Daniel Liked It, So He Put a Ring on It
So in case you live under a rock and haven't heard the news, Daniel and I are engaged! It wasn't really a surprise to me, we had been talking about it before he went away to Nigeria. I told him that I was ready though. He's been back for almost a month now, and we were talking about it over dinner the other night and we decided that we both wanted to go through with it. I told him though, that I required a ring and a proper proposal. The next day he left to do some business in Ansan. I didn't really know when he was going to propose, but I was certainly hoping he wouldn't wait too long! I didn't want to tell anyone until I had a pretty ring to show off, lol. So come Tuesday night, I came home and vented about the student who spilled coffee all over my desk, and how the Speech Contest was a waste of time. Then as we were sitting on the couch he said "Ok are you ready? Close your eyes." Haha obviously I knew what he was going to do, so it wasn't like a surprise proposal, but it was special none the less. And there we have it, he asked and I said yes.
We talked about what we are going to do, and neither of us really wants to go through the hassle of having a ceremony in Korea. So we decided instead to make it official at the Nigerian and US Embassies, and with the Korean government, and instead of a ceremony, we are going to have a celebration party afterward. We are going to start saving up money, so that when we move back to America in a year or so, we can have a legit ceremony in the states (Oregon, most likely). We are also going to go to Nigeria and have a celebration. Daniel wants to go for Nigerian Thanksgiving, so it will be a joint Thanksgiving-Wedding party. He says that in Nigerian society, the family pretty much pays for everything, so we wont need to save for that. Plus it's not going to be a legit wedding, just more like a party.
I think we are going to try to go to the embassies soon. He has to go back to Nigeria at the end of October, and he needs to reapply for his American tourist visa for Christmas, so we want to go soon. Plus, I figure, the only point of getting engaged is to give yourself time to plan the wedding, so if you're not having a wedding, there's no point in staying engaged for a long time. You need to just jump right in! I will be sure to keep everyone updated on when exactly we are going to go to the embassies, so don't worry.
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