Happy Thanksyoubugibing
Today we celebrated Thanksgiving at school! Since my kids are so young and barely speak English, they didn't really know what what going on, but they had food and crafts so I don't think they really cared. We had a potluck, and all the kids were sent to school with food. It's really funny because the traditional turkey/corn/yams/cranberry sauce was nowhere to be seen. Instead my classroom was flooded with fried chicken, donuts, cookies, tteok-kochi, cheesecake, tangerines, and one authentic Costco pumpkin pie. After all, none of my holidays are complete without something from Costco.
We also made a bowl of mashed potatoes, and all the kids got turns mashing the potatoes and stirring in the milk. They went absolutely CRAZY when I poured the milk into the potatoes. And we got a cut up some sort of seasonings, maybe parsley, and ham. Koreans add ham to everything, it's so funny. It actually tasted pretty good with the mashed potatoes. And even at the end, when I was asking if they had fun eating and coloring and making hats, Lily made the "mashing" motions and said it was fun. Besides the food, the kids got to make pilgrim hats and bonnets, which they actually really liked. It was a little hard for them, but thankfully Sue and Naiad where there to help me. The school always hires a professional photographer for parties at the school, but the photographer only came in at the beginning and the end, when all we were doing was colo
ring. She tried to get a group shot, but of course, lovely Joe wouldn't listen at all. And by then half of the bonnets had broken because they were made out of paper and the girls would pull too hard on the strings.
Slightly unfortunate for me, the night before a group of us went out for galbi and we all wound up drinking too much. Soju, the Korean drink of choice, always gives you this delayed hangover where you wake up and feel fine so you think you got off scott-free. But then about 2 hours into your day, it catches up to you. And for me, it caught up halfway through the potluck when I had already stuffed my face. So ya, I felt just dandy. Thank god I didn't have to actually teach anything. That was probably the best part of the day haha.
Hilarious, the kids had a really hard time saying "Thanksgiving" and I think half the time it came out as "Happy Thanks-you-bu-gibing" to which I would absolutely bust up laughing, and they would in turn start laughing hysterically. I also gave the kids a bunch of coloring sheets to keep them busy after we ate. I colored a few and put them up on the board, just so the kids could see what the pictures are supposed to look like, because most of the time when they color it looks like their crayon packs had a seizure all over the page. And you can see from Julie's turkey, my pre-colored pictures didn't really help much. But no matter, they had fun so that's all the counts.
All in all it was a fun day, a little tiring, but it was fun and the kids had a great time.