Look Before You Leap
I'm going to warn you, this post is a little intense, and please don't freak out and think that I would ever do something this idiotic.
After work on Friday night a bunch of us decided to go out for Galbi, so I met up with Megan, Alex (guy) and Alex (girl) and we caught a taxi to the restaurant because it was raining. We got out of the taxi, and all three of them had been drinking a little, not a lot, but I'm sure they were buzzed. We spotted two of our other friend behind us, and i decided to wait. Alex and Alex decided to cross the road though. An 8 lane road. An 8 lane road without a cross walk. I was all about not doing that. So they started to dart across because all the traffic was stopped at a red light. I turned to see Ruth and Walker approaching, and I heard a huge *thump*. Alex (girl) in the heat of running across the stopped lanes, forgot to look in the express bus lane, and she got hit full on by a bus! Alex (guy) was about 5 steps behind her, and it just grazed him luckily.
The bus stopped and Alex (guy) helped get Alex (girl) up to the side walk. She was clearly in shock, and she was tlaking about how she was fine, and she didn't really realize what had happened. So the bus driver called the police, and Alex (girl) was taken into a restaurant on the corner into the bathroom. The police came and were talking to Alex (guy) but it was hard because they didn't speak English very well. The bus driver was there, and they were all yelling (or maybe just scared, I hear Korean is a very emphatic language). Alex (girl) eventually came back down stairs, and the paramedics came. She said she didn't want to go and that she was fine, but we didn't really give her that option, she had to go. So Megan went with her, and the rest of us waited for one of the Korean supervisors from work to come to help us translate. Two of them showed up, Chris and Charlene. Alex (guy) had to go to the police station with Charlene, and the rest of us went to the hospital where Alex (girl) was with Chris.
She had to get x-rays taken, and apparently she refused to get a CT Scan, because it was expensive. I thought that was pretty stupid though, since she got hit by a freaking bus and she might have a concussion. It turns out she broke her clavicle in two places, and shattered part of it as well. They put her in a brace to align the bones back up, and she will have to go back for more x-rays on Monday, and there's the possibility that she might have to have surgery if the pieces don't line up right.
And after she got her medication, she had to go to the police station to give a statement, which none of us wanted to happen because her initial pain medication was starting to wear off. But the police said she had to. So I gave her my jacket because she wasn't able to pull her original one on, and the rest of us left. It wound up being 3 hours since the accident happened, and since all of us were on the way to dinner, we were starving. We wound up going to the restaurant that we originally planned on going to. Upside of the night, the food was great. After dinner though, it started monsooning, and I didn't have a jacket since I gave mine to Alex (girl). It took forever to get a taxi.
Alex made it home safe with Charlene, and Megan told me today that she's doing fine.
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