It's Halloween at school! This was a great slash exhausting day! All the kids dressed up and they got to go around the school and trick or treat at the different classes. That was pretty hectic, getting them all around the floor. The other teachers and I made a haunted house last night, out of trash bags and cardboard haha. But it was pretty good, there was creepy music, spiderwebs, we made a coffin that Miguel would jump out of to scare the kids.
All the teachers dressed up. It was ridiculously hard to find a costume though, since Halloween is basically only celebrated at English hagwons. The major department store near us had a few capes and a few witch hats but that was it. I sewed myself some mouse ears and glued it on a headband (it was supposed to be like in Mean Girls, where Karen says "I'm a mouse...duh!" but apparently there are far fewer people who have seen Mean Girls than I thought). Miguel was a vampire, Ruth a devil/witch, Walker was a zombie of some sort, Gabby a shaman, Kyla an 80s girl, and Alex was a zombie. Basically they were costumes that you could make with clothes you already have and some face makeup.
I guess all the kids have their outfits ordered ahead of time. A lot of the girls came as princesses though, which basically only required a dress they already had, a tiara and a frilly wand. But it was cute none the less. Some of the girls came as witches, devils or angels, but I think that was the extent of the variety. There were a lot of boys dressed as power rangers or super heroes. Tommy came as a dragon which was adorable, and this chubby kids called Ian was a musketeer of some sort, and that was definitely in my top three favorites. There was even a kid dressed up as Santa.
They got to play some Halloween games, for which I was the MC. Getting about 60 little kids to pay attention when all they want to do it play with their costumes and eat candy is pretty hard, but they had fun. We played spoon race and a skeleton scramble where the kids had to put the skeletons body parts int he right places.
This is my class, from left to right is Becky, Julie, Alyssa, Lily and John. It was pretty funny because a few days ago I was drawing an ocean scene on the board, and they kept yelling a word at me (hapadi) and I found out it meant jellyfish. So for days they were trying to get my to pronounce hapadi right (apparently it's haepari, but they're little kids so I can't understand anything they say) and every time I would say it they would just bust up laughing. So today, the only way I could get them to smile for pictures was to say "hapadi" and instantly they would start laughing. Poor John though, he hated today. It was only is third day in school, and I think he was just overwhelmed. After lunch he started crying, and he didn't want to help carve the pumpkin so he sat out. Then he started crying when it came time to leave, so I had to pick him up and take him downstairs for the bus, and he fell asleep on me while we were waiting. It was kinda cute, but I felt bad for the little guy.
During lunch I stepped out to go to the store, so I took my ears off, but I looked even more strange because I still had my whiskers painted on my face. Luckily though I had my ears, so when the people looked at me funny I took them out and they knew it was for Halloween. I can't imagine the looks Walker got since he was dressed in torn up clothes with a pale face and blood.
We got to carve a pumpkin as well. They aren't like American pumpkins, they are more like a squash so we were all a little apprehensive about carving them, especially because we were given non-serrated knives. But it turned out good, the kids helped spoon out the insides, and I was able to carve a face, then we got to light it up. Becky and Lily thought it was hysterical though when they kept blowing out the candles.
By the time it was time to go, I was totally wiped out. And I still had three more classes to teach! Luckily the last two days of the month are test days, so the kids just have to take a big test and basically get to play the rest of the day. So I had my three classes and i survived. Our director bought us dinner too, pizza and chicken. I had some sort of weird pizza with corn, tortilla chips, a potato wedge and sour cream. It was surprisingly good though. I guess Korean's put a lot of weird shit on their pizza.
Below are some of the other pictures. If you have me on Facebook, I have a whole album. Group shot of my class, minus John because he didn't want to be in it.
Sharon as Snow White
Becky and Lily with their wands and tiaras
Ian as a musketeer
(left to right) Melody, Dora, and Rea
Our finished jack-o-lantern
carving the jack-o-lantern
a pirate attacking Gabby
Tommy as a dragon