Closing Time
My time in Pittsburgh is coming to a close, and by the end of this week I will be back on the West Coast. As much as I have complained about Pittsburgh (and the East Coast in general) I have begun to realize just how much I'm going to miss it. I came to this school for the wrong reasons, but the best thing I did with my life was stay here.
I remember how much I hated freshman year, and how I rarely went out, never had fun, did poorly in classes, and had only a handful of friends. I'm glad I didn't transfer out though, because sophomore year completely changed my life. An unfortuate event in my life changed me into a completely new and better person. Spending basically every night on Semple Street, I met the most amazing friends I'll ever have, I learned to stop sweating the small stuff, and to just let go. I'm such a better person, especially thanks to Jenn and Joe, and jungle juice of course. Leaving them for an entire semester to go to Australia was difficult, but it was definately worth it. Six months in Oz, with the best roommates anyone could possibly imagine, with the best job anyone could possibly imagine, and the best Aussie friends anyone could possibly imagine. Living in a country like that really gives you time to take stock on your life, and to realize what matters the most to you.
Senior year basically took all my greatest experiences, bundled them up, and multiplied them by twenty. Although I was taking some of the hardest classes that Pitt offered, had some severe emotional breakdowns, and nearly lost one of the most important people in my life, the friends and the adventures I had made it all worth it. I had two great jobs with awesome co-workers, I learned the full force of Mad Mex margaritas, celebrated some great 21st birthdays (and 22nds!), was a founding member of Team Oakland, became best friends with Becky, and bester friends with Jenn, swapped gossip and fashion with Mary and Katie, learned how awesomely rediculous Grace Rogers is, regrettedly loved every Thursday night with Becky, tried new grocery stores with Darren, spent far too much time living and working with Joe, thankfully had Trevor to help me look cute, I did unacceptable things with bad people and my friends still loved me for it, I came to understand the word "slumlord", learned all about World Art and Constitutional Law, went to New York City for the first and second time ever, I have experienced all that Half Price has to offer, been screwed over by the 59U, fell in love with Stoked energy drinks, I made great friends and best friends.
And of course, everything seemed to be getting even better, right before I was set to leave. But I guess all good things must eventually end. I'm a better person for spending my last four years here, I've met some people that nearly ruined my life, but I met even more that helped me piece myself back together. Now it's time to move on to the next stage in life. I'm not sure if I'm quite ready for it, but I'm sure I'll survive.
I never thought I would hear myself say this, but I'll miss you Pittsburgh.
I love your writing, Colleen! The girls and I are awaiting to hear about your experiences in South Korea, for obvious reasons. Glad you're doing this blog, see you this weekend...
I am very impressed!!! You have turned into an amazing woman. Keep plugging away and keep blogging! Youhave a knack for this my dear. Looking forward to seeing you again.